From the “First Year Seminar” course, Bard College, Fall of 2018. I am second from right, back row.
Greetings! In the links above, you can find information about my research, teaching, recent and upcoming publications, and conference presentations. Click here to view my current C.V.
Currently, I am a Visiting Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. I have previously taught in the Religion Program at Bard College in New York state, as well as in the Religious Studies department at Guilford College in North Carolina, and as a Teaching Fellow at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. In 2018, I completed my dissertation at UNC within the Dept. of Religious Studies under the guidance of my advisor, Dr. Carl Ernst. I also hold an M.A. from the University of Chicago's Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
I grew up in South Bend, Indiana, and attended grade school and high school down the street from Notre Dame. I studied philosophy and other subjects at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and then I completed my undergraduate studies as a major in Philosophy and Religion at Marlboro College, where I received a B.A. with honors.
My dissertation focuses on the main epic work of the medieval Muslim mystic poet and teacher, Jalal al-din Rumi, and its reception amongst his community of followers. My main research language is Persian, and I also work with French, Spanish, and Arabic sources. While in graduate school, I did coursework and conducted research projects in Turkey, Jordan, Spain, the U.A.E., and Iran.
I love to travel, write, and research. As of the summer of 2019, I will be residing in Tennessee. You can also find me in the virtual world: on Twitter as @MattLynchPhD, or at, or you can contact me via email at MBradfordLynch at Gmail dot com.